Ethereum and Solidity - Basics

Course Content


1. What is Ethereum?
Link to Github Repo
A Short History Lesson
Link to Original Bitcoin White Paper
What is Ethereum?
Interfacing with Ethereum Networks
Metamask Setup
Ethereum Accounts
Receiving Ether
What's a Transaction?
Why'd We Wait?
Basic Blockchains
Block Time
Smart Contracts
The Solidity Programming Language
Our First Contract
Contract Structure
Function Declarations
Testing with Remix
Redeploying Contracts
Behind the Scenes of Deployment
More on Running Functions Than You Want to Know
Wei vs Ether
Gas and Transactions
Mnemonic Phrases
Getting More Ether
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity
Don't Skip! Node JS Versioning
Contract Deployment
Boilerplate Requirements
Project File Walkthrough
Syntax Highlighters
Compiling Solidity
The Compile Script
Testing Architecture
Running Windows?
Installing Modules
Web3 Versioning
Web3 Providers
Testing with Mocha
Mocha Structure
Fetching Accounts from Ganache
Refactor to Async/Await
Deployment with Web3
Deployed Inbox Overview
Asserting Deployment
Web3 Version Fix
Verifying the Initial Message
Testing Message Updates
Deployment with Infura
Infura Signup
Wallet Provider Setup
Deployment to Rinkeby
Observing Deployment on Etherscan
Deployed Contracts in Remix
Project Review
6 Hours


₹ 9000 OR $150
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  1. Abhay is an excellent Instructor and I look forward to trying other material from him. With respect to Ethereum and Solidity: Basics, this was truly top notch work. By the time you are finished you have real world practical skills for creating smart contracts.

  2. Brilliant compilation of topics!
    This course shows how to collaborate Ethereum (Block Chain) with real-time application!
    Nice piece of work !!



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